Welcome! I am a Robotics PhD from Carnegie Mellon University, where I studied human-robot interaction, focusing on personalized context-aware multimodal robot feedback.

I am starting a job as a Senior Researcher - AI Agent at Fujitsu in mid-Feb 2025.


January 2025: Completed my PhD Defense "Personalized Context-aware Multimodal Robot Feedback"

December 2024: Received acceptance for a paper titled "Choosing Robot Feedback Style to Optimize Human Exercise Performance" submitted to HRI 2025

August 2024: Attended RO-MAN 2024 in Pasadena, California and Presented two papers titled "Effects of Feedback Styles on Performance and Preference for an Exercise Coach" and "Older Adults' Preferences for Feedback Cadence from an Exercise Coach Robot"

August 2024: Presented a poster and demo at the AI-CARING Site Visit at Georgia Tech

April 2024: Attended the AI-CARING Student Symposium in Boston

March 2024: Presented a workshop paper titled "Contextual Bandit Approach to Generating Robot Feedback for Human Exercise" at HRI 2024 in Boulder, Colorado

August 2023: Completed my PhD Proposal "Personalized Context-aware Affective Nonverbal Robot Feedback"

August 2023: Presented a poster and a demo at the AI-CARING Site Visit and attended the AI-CARING Student Symposium at CMU

March 2023: Attended the AI-CARING Student Symposium at CMU

August 2022: Attended RO-MAN 2022 in Naples, Italy and Presented "Affective Robot Behavior Improves Learning in a Sorting Game"

Summer 2022: Internship at NVIDIA to develop a task specification interface where the human can specify their preferences iteratively on a complex task (such as grocery packing) so the robot can customize how it performs a task

April 2022: Attended the AI-CARING Student Symposium at Georgia Tech

March 2022: Attended the Context-awareness in HRI Workshop (part of HRI 2022) (Virtual) and Presented "Context-dependent Personalized Robot Feedback to Improve Learning"

November 2021: Attended the ICSR 2021 (Virtual) and Presented "Early Prediction of Student Engagement-related Events from Facial and Contextual Features"

March 2021: Attended HRI 2021 (Virtual) and Presented "Perception of Emotion in Torso and Arm Movements on Humanoid Robot Quori"

October 2020: Check out a new blog article "Generate Latex-Friendly Figures with Matplotlib".

August 2020: Check out a new blog article "Multiple Stimuli, One Question using Qualtrics".

July 2020: Attended MOCO 2020 (Virtual) Conference and Presented "Feasible Stylized Motion: Robotic Manipulator Imitation of a Human Demonstration with Collision Avoidance and Style Parameters in Increasingly Cluttered Environments".

Summer 2019: Internship at Siemens to develop a demonstration of a robot imitating human movement in real-time towards the goal of creating socially-aware, cognizant manufacturing assistants for the factory for the future.

May 2019: Graduated with my Masters in Mechanical Engineering under Dr. Amy LaViers! Thesis titled: " Developing and evaluating a model for human motion to facilitate low degree-of-freedom robot imitation of human movement".

May 2019: My Masters advisor Dr. Amy LaViers post about my thesis performance

June 2018: Thanks to Dr. Marco Gillies for mentioning me in his post about the Movement and Computing 2018 Conference